Galapagos Climate :
The temperature in Galapagos can vary a lot during the year , although there are 2 well-defined climates.
The Cold Season
That is from June to November. The cold weather is highly conducive to the richness of marine life, as the cold currents an winds coming from Chile bring an abundance if life with them. The marine birds of the Galapagos have ample food sorces, and so the animals like sharks, sealions and sea turtles. This season is the best for scuba diving and snorkelings
The Warm Season
Is between December to May. This is a season when warm winds come from the north, precisely from Panama, wich greatly affects the marine life in the Galapagos. However, it is ideal for birdwatching as it incrase reproduction in the highlands of each islands. Its a great time for taking photos and engaging inactivities like hiking, diving ans snorkeling because the under water visibility is exelent.
The cold weather usually reaches temperatures between 15-25 degrees, especially at night and early morning. Between July and September the hours usually pass when it is cloudy and drizzling. There is also sun in these months of the year.
The hot-warm weather can reach between 25-35 degrees depending on the time of day. Heavy rains are also usually witnessed between January and March. In these months there is humidity and the sun hits quite strong during the day.
Normally there is sun in Galapagos all year round. The difference is that some months it is cold and rainy and the others it is hot and occasionally it rains heavily. Each climate contributes significantly to the biodiversity of the Galapagos, the seabirds are happy and have enough food during the cold season and the birds that inhabit the mountains reproduce and have enough food in the hot-warm season.
Cold: Bring long pants and warm overalls to use during navigation, at night either on the boat or for walks through the ports. Sun protection, glasses, large hats that protect the face and neck, comfortable shoes.
Warm: Bring light overalls for sun protection, glasses, large hats that protect the face, neck, pants or shorts that protect and are comfortable for visitors, comfortable shoes. An umbrella helps a lot for sun and rain